Snood Game of the Day
Scores For Hard for Dec 22 2023

ScoreNameClick to Report Abuse
18793 MNM
18391 badbee
18281 Player 1176670
18234 Paul42
17839 Jo
17598 TonyL
17147 gail
16943 Peter
16811 Spike's Mom
16612 Hunter3840
16189 GejiMama
16022 Georgette
15754 Donna Ulrich
15617 Player 1089340
15603 Player 1158480
15425 RyJayCo
15348 orv
15287 Nancy W
14977 G2Jim
14976 NigelN
14938 jmham
14829 JIMMc
14356 Wahoke
14199 Juhani
13963 seventyonefr
13449 amadea
13299 Kelly
13106 bassfisher
12765 Player 1095350
11843 Scotty
11831 Laurie
11469 Phyllis

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These scores are automatically entered from within the Snood game program.
Tip: If your name is showing up as something like "Player 482" and you'd rather have a cool name, you can make that change in the Snood game. Just pick the green "Manage Account" button on the Snood Network bar in the lower left corner of your game screen, and then click on "Edit name and e-mail"